This is our ARCHIVE site. This site contains content that was on our community site "" and is no longer maintained. However as there are large numbers of links to the content on the internet, it has been retained on this site so that people who find that information of use, can still access it. However it cannot be guaranteed to be up to date, or accurate, particularly with regards to modern best practises. Most of the content was originally written between 1998 and 2008.
Image watermarks refer to the old url of, which is another domain under control of Sembee Ltd.
Our Exchange Server related content can be found at and is actively maintained. Other sites from Sembee include: - - - -
Using the Windows Key
Many machines are now supplied with keyboards with a Windows Key that looks like this: . As well as pressing this button to bring up the Start Menu, you can use different key combinations to carry out other actions on your system. This page gives you information on these key combinations, which apply to all versions of Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP.
- Pressing the
key will bring up the start menu. The same result can be achieved with CTRL and ESC.
- To minimise all the open windows, press and hold down the
key and then press the <M> key.
- To maximise all windows, press and hold down the
key, then the shift key and finally press the <M> key.
- To open Windows Explorer, press and hold down the
key and press the <E> key.
- To quickly access the Run dialogue box, press and hold down the
key and press the <R> key.
- To move through the applications in the taskbar, press and hold down the
key and then press <TAB>. Each press of <TAB> moves one further program. Pressing the shift key reverses the direction that you cycle through.
- To open the Find Files dialogue box, press and hold down the
key and then press the <F> key.
- To open the Find Computer dialogue box, press and hold down the
key, the <CTRL> key and then press <F>
- To open the System Properties dialogue box, press and hold down the
and the press the <BREAK> key.